Obesity II

Obesity II

Obesity is evaluated by screening for confirmation and assessment of risk factors. Once the BMI confirms obesity severity is divided into
Grade I BMI >30 but < 35 Grade II BMI >35 but < 40 Grade III BMI > 40 Waist circumference is measured at the highest level of the hip bone by a tape placing it horizontally.
In woman a waist circumference of > 88 cm or 35 inches and in Man >102 cm or 40 inches signifies central obesity.
Persons with central obesity are more at risk for heart disease, diabetes, Obstructive sleep apnoea and hyperlipidemia (excess lipids in blood). Coexistence of coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis elsewhere, Sleep apnoea, high BP, h/o premature heart attacks in other close relatives, smoking and lack of exercise : all these act togather to increase mortality.


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